Metering electricity

A complete insight into your energy consumption for the entire company.
RecraPlan Dashboard

Smart Energy Metering

Do you have a small campsite or a large holiday park? Every business has its own energy needs. With smart energy metering, you can gain insight into your energy consumption. The energy transition challenges us to think about smart energy usage. But where do you start and how much capacity do you need for now and the future? These are questions that as an entrepreneur, you don't immediately have the answer to tomorrow. At RecraPlan, we believe that measuring = knowing. We use kWh meters to measure your energy consumption. These kWh meters are specially developed for the recreation industry. But we also use meters that you can easily connect to the phase wiring. These meter the power per phase. This way, you can gain insight into your energy consumption.
Smart Energy Metering

Digital metering of camping spots and accommodations.

In addition to gaining insight into your energy usage, RecraPlan has developed a special system where you can pay based on usage. This is a unique solution that you won't easily find elsewhere. We use special kWh meters that are directly connected to our network. This meter is connected to our dashboard, allowing you to see the exact consumption, as well as whether energy is being fed back into the system. The kWh meters are available in single-phase or three-phase. In our dashboard, you can choose how you want guests to pay. You can opt for a fixed amount per night or per kWh. You can also choose an average amount per day. The system will then calculate whether guests need to pay extra or receive a refund.
Digital metering of camping spots and accommodations.

Groot gebruik meten op je bedrijf

Om beter inzicht te krijgen in het energieverbruik van je bedrijf, is het essentieel om te onderzoeken waar en wanneer je elektriciteit wordt verbruikt. Bij RecraPlan bieden we meters aan die tot 1000 ampère kunnen bemeteren, geschikt voor zowel grote als kleine aansluitingen binnen je bedrijf. Zo kunnen we steeds gedetailleerder het verbruik analyseren en samen aanpassingen doen om oververbruik te voorkomen en de gelijktijdigheid van het energieverbruik te optimaliseren.

Je kunt hierbij denken aan het opnieuw instellen van laadpalen, zwembadpompen, verwarmingen, waterpompen, en meer. Alleen door gedetailleerd inzicht kunnen deze aanpassingen effectief worden gerealiseerd.

Groot gebruik meten op je bedrijf

Save energy with the RecraPlan Guest Consumption App.

At RecraPlan, we understand that energy saving is a collective effort. That is why we have developed a unique solution to make this journey easier - the RecraPlan Guests Consumption App. Our innovative app allows your guests to track their own energy consumption. Whether it's a short stay or a long-term rental, every guest gains insight into their consumption patterns and habits. This not only helps increase awareness but also encourages behavioral changes in a more sustainable way. As a business owner, you know how important it is to use energy responsibly. With the RecraPlan Guests Consumption App, your guests receive a practical tool to reduce energy consumption and shrink their ecological footprint. They can track, compare, and adjust their consumption in real-time, actively participating in energy-saving initiatives.
Save energy with the RecraPlan Guest Consumption App.
"There is still much to be done, as 80 percent of our energy still comes from oil, coal, and gas."
Recreation parks face a big challenge. The energy transition is an important topic for the leisure sector. Due to climate change, the demand for energy will only increase. In addition, the price of energy will rise because the costs of energy production will increase. Energy is essential for the recreational industry. It is therefore important to invest in sustainable energy. RecraPlan is happy to assist you in making your energy use more sustainable.

Future of electricity

If we look at the future of electricity, a lot will change. Future guests will come with an electric car and would like to charge it at your company. Buildings at the company are gradually becoming more electrified. This means that more electricity is needed. In addition, the price of electricity will rise. This is because the costs for the production of electricity will increase. Energy is essential for the recreation industry. It is therefore important to invest in sustainable energy. RecraPlan is happy to help you with making your energy use more sustainable. Getting off gas doesn't happen within a year, but it is necessary to invest in sustainable energy. RecraPlan is happy to help you with making your energy use more sustainable.