Legionella Management Plan

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header solutions Smart temperature metering

header solutions Smart temperature metering

As a recreational entrepreneur, you are required to have a Legionella management plan in most cases. One of the tasks mentioned in this management plan is the periodic measurement of the temperature of, among other things, ring mains and the boiler temperature. In most companies, this is done manually and not carried out systematically. Because it is a periodic measurement, the data is sometimes not accurate. Recraplan offers a system that is easier, more accurate, and time-saving. By installing our smart sensors in various locations, the temperature can be monitored 24 hours a day. In case of a deviation, you will be alerted immediately and all data will be digitally recorded in a special logbook.

What is Legionella?

Legionella is a type of bacteria that lives in watery environments. The bacterium can cause illness when inhaled in small water droplets, usually in the form of aerosols originating from showers, cooling towers, fountains, or hot tubs. The diseases it causes are collectively referred to as legionellosis, with the most severe form being Legionnaires' disease, a potentially fatal pneumonia. It is important to know that the growth of Legionella bacteria in water systems can be prevented through good water management practices. This is where a Legionella management plan comes in handy. The management plan includes guidelines for maintenance, inspection, and cleaning to ensure the safety of the water supply. Regular temperature monitoring is one of the most important preventive measures, as the bacterium thrives best at temperatures between 20 and 45 degrees Celsius.
What is Legionella?
FAQ Recraplan

Legionella management plan:

Below you will find the most frequently asked questions about Legionella management plan.

A Legionella management plan is a comprehensive document containing guidelines and procedures to prevent the growth and spread of Legionella bacteria in water systems. It may include maintenance procedures, inspection schedules, cleaning methods, and more.

A Legionella management plan should contain information about the risk of Legionella in the facility, preventive measures, procedures for responding to outbreaks, and schedules for inspection, maintenance, and cleaning.

A Legionella management plan is necessary to ensure the health and safety of people. Legionella bacteria can cause severe illnesses, including the potentially deadly Legionnaires' disease. By following a management plan, the risks of an outbreak can be significantly reduced.

A Legionella management plan should be updated whenever changes are made to the water installations or procedures, or when new information about the risks or best practices for Legionella prevention becomes available.

Each company or institution with water installations that may pose a risk for Legionella, such as showers, cooling towers, whirlpools, fountains, and heating systems, must have a Legionella management plan.

Temperature control is crucial in a Legionella management plan because Legionella bacteria grow best at temperatures between 20 and 45 degrees Celsius. By keeping the water in the system outside this temperature zone, the growth of Legionella can be prevented.