Temperature measuring

Immediate insight into space heating in your company
RecraPlan Dashboard

Smart temperature monitoring

At RecraPlan, we are constantly looking for appropriate ways to make the recreational sector more sustainable. One of the aspects we cleverly meter is temperature. Whether it is monitoring the hot water supply, the temperature of indoor spaces, or the freezers and coolers in the park, RecraPlan has sensors for it. You might not immediately think of measuring temperature, but temperature is an important part of your energy consumption. By measuring temperature, you can gain insight into your energy consumption. But you can also see if there is a malfunction somewhere.
Smart temperature monitoring
Always hot water

Always hot water

On a recreation park, you deal with hot water facilities. Take, for example, toilet buildings. These must always ensure that guests can enjoy a wonderful shower. When, for example, a boiler fails, this immediately creates a negative experience for the guest. By measuring the temperature, you can see if the boiler is still working properly. But you can also see if the boiler is not set too hot. With our alert service, you receive the notification earlier than the guest notices it. The installation is done within a few minutes and does not require a power point. Often, the temperature sensors are placed in less accessible locations. However, this is not a problem due to our network. The network has good coverage for all places within a radius of several kilometers.

Space heating accounts for 70% of the energy costs.

At a recreation park, a lot of heating is used. Take accommodations and reception buildings, for example. In general, heating spaces accounts for about 70% of the gas consumption. Therefore, this offers the greatest opportunity to save. There are several ways to reduce gas consumption and thus costs. For example, you can insulate and adjust the temperature downwards. In addition to these savings, it is often the case that you have no overview of the current temperature in the different rooms. By installing sensors in the different rooms, you will have insight into the temperature per hour. It regularly happens that rooms are heated without it being necessary. With the overview, these problems can be quickly detected. At a company where RecraPlan has a sensor installed, the first savings were visible within 24 hours. The reception building was already being heated from 4 am, while the first employee didn't start until 8 am. That means that it was heated for nothing for 4 hours. The savings were more than 12 cubic meters of gas per week. Calculate your profit!