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RecraPlan for Restaurants

Use RecraPlan to make your business more sustainable and smarter.
Discover how we can make your restaurant smart.

Discover how we can make your restaurant smart.

In a restaurant, efficiency is essential, from managing your energy to optimizing your staff. With the smart sensors from RecraPlan, you get immediate insight into important processes such as monitoring refrigerators and freezers, counting people, and smart waste management. In addition, our solutions help make your restaurant more sustainable. With a comprehensive energy scan, conducted with our smart meters, you can see exactly where you are consuming energy, gas, and electricity. This allows you to take targeted measures to optimize your energy consumption and save costs.

Keep your refrigerators and freezers at the right temperature at all times and prevent energy waste with our accurate sensors. RecraPlan helps you monitor the condition of your equipment, so your cooling and freezing systems remain efficient. In addition, our system provides a smart solution for staff planning by anonymously counting people. This gives you insight into visitor numbers, allowing you to optimize your staff and improve occupancy rates.

Discover our solutions for restaurants

At RecraPlan we offer standard smart solutions for all types of restaurants, but we also develop custom solutions for specific issues. Feel free to contact us to discover how we can make your restaurant smarter and more sustainable.

Energy management

Energy management

Efficient energy management reduces energy consumption in your restaurant and saves costs. We offer solutions for monitoring kitchens, dining areas, and installations such as refrigerators, freezers, and ventilation systems. With our systems, you will gain full insight into the energy usage of your restaurant and discover opportunities to save on gas, water, and electricity.
Gas metering

Gas metering

RecraPlan offers smart solutions for accurately measuring gas consumption in your restaurant. Whether it's kitchen equipment or heating systems, we measure both the main meter and submeters and make existing meters digitally readable. This gives you insight into the gas consumption of different installations, so you can easily optimize, save costs, and enable accurate billing.
Temperature monitoring

Temperature monitoring

RecraPlan offers advanced temperature sensors for accurately monitoring your refrigerators and freezers. These sensors help you maintain the correct temperature, which is essential for food safety and energy efficiency. By continuously gaining insight into the performance of your refrigeration units, you can detect malfunctions early and prevent energy waste. This not only contributes to efficient operations, but also to customer satisfaction by always offering fresh and properly stored products.

Smart Waste Management

Smart Waste Management

Efficient waste management is essential for a clean and hygienic restaurant. RecraPlan offers a smart waste management system that monitors the trash cans in your kitchen, outdoor areas, and toilet facilities and detects when they are full. You will receive automatic notifications so you can dispose of the waste in a timely manner. Thanks to our AI technology, you can also predict when trash cans will fill up, allowing you to proactively plan and ensure that your restaurant remains clean and welcoming.
Smart People Counting

Smart People Counting

With smart systems from RecraPlan, you can track the number of visitors in your restaurant in real time and see where crowding occurs, such as at the entrance or in specific dining areas. This helps you avoid overcrowded spaces and provides insight into which areas need to be cleaned more frequently or where additional staff is needed. Our people counters work safely and completely anonymously, without compromising the privacy of your guests, allowing you to increase efficiency without compromising their comfort.

Smart Choice

Are you ready for a smart restaurant?

Discover how RecraPlan makes your restaurant smarter and more sustainable.